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inCiTe™3D X-Ray Microscope
The inCiTe™ 3D X-ray Microscope provides phase contrast imaging and micro-CT capabilities from KA Imaging, and is the first commercial X-ray CT system that utilizes BrillianSe™, a patented high spatial resolution amorphous selenium (a-Se) detector technology exclusively developed by KA Imaging.
High spatial resolution and detection efficiency of BrillianSe™ X-ray detector enables rapid phase contrast imaging and conventional micro-CT in a convenient benchtop system.
Fields that can benefit from this technology include non-destructive testing (NDT), additive manufacturing, electronics, agriculture, geology, preclinical imaging, and specimen radiography.
High spatial resolution and detection efficiency of BrillianSe™ X-ray detector enables rapid phase contrast imaging and conventional micro-CT in a convenient benchtop system.
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