M2N electron microscope supplies and consumables are complete
High quality microscopy supplies and consumables are essential for microscopy specimen preparation and for producing optimum results. Succesfull specimen preparation is a crucial step in getting the best images and reliable data from your samples.
Micro to Nano is a company specialised in innovative, practical and useful microscopy supplies for electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy techniques. With a combined experience of over 50 years in electron microscopy, sample preparation, imaging technology and product distribution. M2N have a deep understanding of the needs of customers.
One of our core strengths is working with our customers to bring new and innovative products to the microscopy marketplace. Our list of products is constantly increasing and we invite you, our customer, to browse our website and to discover the innovative, unique, high quality products we offer. If you don't find what you are looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Part A. Index "Micro to Nano" Microscopy Supplies Product
SEM & FIB Supplies |
Sample Prep. |
Vacuum Supplies |
SEM Sample Stubs扫描电镜样品台 |
Sputter Targets 溅射靶材 |
Bullseye Vacuum Gauges眼型真空规 |
Carbon tabs 碳胶片 |
Carbon Rods & Fibers 碳棒和碳丝 |
Quick-check Gauges快检真空规 |
Sample Stub Adapters 样品台适配器 |
Quartz QCM Crystals 石英晶振片 |
KF/NW Vacuum Parts 真空管接头 |
SEM Stage Adapters电镜载台适配器 |
Supports & Substrates支撑和基板 |
Vacuum oil and grease真空油脂 |
SEM Sample Holders 电镜样品座 |
SEM Preparation Stands电镜备品架 |
Vacuum sealant 真空密封剂 |
SEM Preparation Stands 电镜备品架 |
Tweezers 镊子 |
Vacuum sample storage真空样品存放 |
Filaments/Cathodes 灯丝/阴极 |
Probes & Picks探针与拾取头 |
Evaporation materials蒸镀材料 |
Silicon Finder Grid寻硅栅 |
Cryo Jug & Container冷冻罐和容器 |
Evaporation baskets蒸镀篮 |
Gatan 3View Pins 销 |
OCT cryo compound 冷冻胶水 |
Quartz QCM Crystals石英晶振片 |
FEI Volumescope Pins销 |
Applicators & Swabs涂抹器和棉签 |
SEM Stub Storage Boxes 载台储存盒 |
Plastic Transfer Pipettes塑料移液管 |
Phenom Supplies 耗品 |
Cutting Tools / Scissors切割工具/剪刀 |
AFM/SPM Discs 圆片 |
JEOL NeoScope Supplies 耗品 |
Conductive Paint/Cement导电胶/粘合剂 |
AFM/SPM Disc Pick-up Tool 工具 |
Hitachi TM series Supplies 耗品 |
Conductive Tapes &Tabs导电胶带和标签 |
AFM/SPM Holders 样品座 |
Field & lab sampler kits野外实验室采样包 |
Non-conductive Adhesives非导电粘合剂 |
AFM/SPM Disc Storage圆片存放 |
Stainless Steel Mesh不锈钢网 |
Cantilever Tweezers悬臂镊子 |
TEM Supplies |
Sample Storage 样品储存器 |
AFM/SPM Discs Tweezers圆片镊 |
TEM Grids 透射电镜栅网(载网) |
Tools 工具 |
Mica Discs 云母片 |
TEM Support Films 支持膜 |
Replication sheets复制表 |
HOPG Substrates高取向热解石墨基材 |
Silicon Nitride Films 氮化硅膜 |
Preparation mats & tiles准备垫块 |
K-Kit wet cell holder湿电池座 |
Cleaning / Gloves 清洁/手套 |
Calibration |
Graphene Films石墨烯膜 |
Diamond Polishing Paste金刚石抛光膏 |
SEM / FIB Magn. Calib.电镜倍率校准 |
Grid Storage Boxes 载网储存盒 |
SEM Res. Test Spec.电镜分辨率测试 |
Cryo Grid Box 冷冻载网盒 |
LM |
EDS / WDS Calibration 校准 |
TEM sample staining电镜样品染色 |
Correlative Cover Slips相关盖玻片 |
TEM Calibration 校准 |
3mm embedding tubes 3mm包埋管 |
Glass Microscope Slides玻璃载玻片 |
AFM / SPM Calibration 校准 |
Filaments/Cathodes灯丝/阴极 |
Glass Cover Slips玻璃盖玻片 |
LM Magn. Calibration光镜倍率校准 |
Cryo Pin for U-M 冷冻销 |
Quartz Microscope Slides石英载玻片 |
Eyelash manipulators睫毛操纵器 |
Quartz Cover Slips石英盖玻片 |
Instruments |
Black metal slides 黑色金属滑片 |
Acoustic Enclosures隔音罩 |
FIB Supplies |
Slide storage boxes载玻片储存盒 |
Quorum CPD 临界点干燥仪 |
FIB Lift-out grids 剥离栅网(金手指) |
Calibration 校准 |
Quorum SEM Coaters 电镜镀膜仪 |
FIB low profile stubs 低截面桩 |
Plastic Transfer Pipettes塑料移液管 |
Deben IR Chamberscope红外CCD |
FIB grid holders 载网座 |
Optical Lens Tissue 光学镜头纸 |
TEM Sample Prep 透射样品制备 |
FIB pre-tilt holders 预倾斜座 |
Glass Petri Dishes玻璃培养皿 |
FIB Grid Boxes 铜网储存盒 |
Part B:Catalogue of some commonly used varieties series
1. Support grids
2. Support film
3. Sample holder
4. Adapter and holder(clip)
5. Target material\ evaporation/heating wire(rod)\ evaporation source
6. Microscope support slides:
7. Standard
8. Tungsten filament and cathode
9. Paint、Polyimide tape
10. Stage micrometer
11. Devices and tools
12. Storage containers
13. Others
Nanjing Tansi Technology Co.,Ltd.
TEL: 025-85432178, 85432278
ADD:2-728b, Hongqiao center, new City Plaza, 281 Zhongshan North Road, Nanjing. ZIP:210009
Tansi Beijing Branch
TEL: 010-62908712
ADD:Rm 719, Jinrongkemao Building, Shangdi 3rd Street, Haidian District, Beijing. ZIP:100085
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